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Navigating the Solo Entrepreneur Life: Grab a Success Partner

Success Partner for Solo Entrepreneur

Heading into the entrepreneur world? Get ready for a rollercoaster – it’s thrilling, unpredictable, and yeah, sometimes you feel like you’re riding it alone. After a decade of going at it solo, I stumbled on a secret weapon that’s too good not to share: snagging a partner. Finding guys who get the whole entrepreneurship thing […]

Red Flags in Clients and How to Deal with Them

Red Flag Clients

Despite the many advantages of working as a freelance web designer, there are also some challenges that come with the territory. One of the biggest obstacles is managing client relationships. Unlike working in a traditional office setting, freelancers often have to juggle multiple clients at once, each with their unique needs and expectations. Red Flags […]

A Day in the Life of Freelance Web Designer

Welcome to a day in the life of a freelance web designer! I am excited to share with you a glimpse of what a typical day in the world of web design looks like. From the moment I wake up to the time I call it a day, I am on the go all the […]

Working From Home with Little Kids Around

Many of us today have no choice but to work from home. But how do you do that successfully if you have kids to take care of? You are in the middle of a Zoom meeting and suddenly your child comes out and asks, “Daddy, can you charge my iPad?” You say he has to […]

How to Run Unproductive Meetings

Web Design Malaysia

We spent so many times on a 2-hour meeting that could have been an email. You’ll notice the moment where there’s no specific agenda (worse if the meeting has one but nobody sticks to it). It is pretty easy to run an unproductive meeting. Dragging discussion for hours, delaying your team from getting back to […]

What I Shared about Self Promotion at WordCamp Kuala Lumpur 2017

Web Design Malaysia

I was invited to be one of the panelist, discussing about Running a WordPress Development Agency at the WordCamp Kuala Lumpur 2017, last November. Here are some points that I’d like to summarize from that discussion that could be useful, if you’re running a small web agency: Spend Time Perfecting Your Skills. Many people will […]

What to do When Freelance’s Work Dries Up?

Freelance work always comes in waves. You’ll be the talk of the town one week, and then there will be nothing but silence in your inbox the next. Freelance dry spells are almost inevitable. So what is there to do during the down time? Keep a Schedule Even without regular work, you should be keeping […]

10 Proofreading Tips To Keep Your Sanity

Is your client cringing due to you missing an error you were meant to proofread? Does your revision sound much worse than the original writing, giving you the feeling you should just bow down and cry into a pile of tears? Face it, proofreading may be a tough grind at times, yet it is always […]

How Small Business Can Compete with Big Companies?

If you are just starting your new business, one of your major concerns right now could be how to professionally present yourself in the field you want to excel and compete effectively among larger business offering the same product or service like yours. In today’s fast paced environment, every objective can be attained now with […]

3 Elements in Managing Web Projects

Managing a website project, whether it is big or small, both require good handling skills to the person assigned. Some individuals perceive that bigger projects are the only ones that need strict planning, enough capital and time, but contrary to this belief, even small projects do require the same amount of planning and management in […]