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4 Challenges for Full Time Freelancers

Maybe some of you would jump off their feet when they hear somebody claim that he/she works in the comforts of their homes as freelancers. Well, let’s face it, with the continuing instability of our present economy, anyone would be truly convinced to work at home if given the chance and get paid for their […]

The Growing Importance of a Small Business CRM for Freelancers

Freelancing is one is one of the most progressive industry today. There are almost 53 million people freelancing in the US alone which comprise 34% of the national workforce.  One of the most interesting and best things about freelancing is that you can work for yourself and you are your own boss.  You are not […]

Making a Winning Proposal – A Few Tips for Freelancers

Freelancing gives you a freedom of doing work from almost anywhere in the world for the rest of the world. It is a location independent job.  It is a post that you can create to work for yourself. It is an ideal profession for people who are looking for an opportunity to be their own […]