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Writing a Google algorithm-proof content?

Another update from Google happened again recently. With every major Google algorithm update, there will be two groups of website owners: the happy ones and the angry ones. If your search engine ranking position has gone up, then you will be in the happy group. If your site affected badly after the update, then you’ll […]

Common SEO Mistakes and How to Fix Them – Poor or Duplicate Content

We all know that the content is the king in the online marketing business. Hence, the matter of it being duplicate and used previous at some other site is highly critical these days as it can even lead the search engines to blacklist the domain, ban the site or execute other severe measures.

5 Ways to Rank Better in Google Search Result

The most common question I get asked by my clients – how do we rank our website to be on the top of Google search? Unfortunately, I don’t have a simple answer to that. There are hundreds of ranking factors that need to be considered which it’s almost impossible for us to execute even half […]