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Making a Winning Proposal – A Few Tips for Freelancers

Freelancing gives you a freedom of doing work from almost anywhere in the world for the rest of the world. It is a location independent job.  It is a post that you can create to work for yourself. It is an ideal profession for people who are looking for an opportunity to be their own boss and also for people who want to bring in extra cash into their household along with people who want to get rid of the 9 to 5 schedule. 

There are countless jobs that you can do sitting at your home or a personal office just with a laptop and an internet connection – Content Writer, Blogger, SEO, Marketing, Project Management, Graphic Designer, Website designer, Account Management and many more. A successful freelancer can earn dough of money and name in the freelancing world but he has to be very careful while sending a proposal for the desired job. Your wrong strategy of sending job proposals could ruin your freelancing career and leave a bad impression on your clients.

No matter how many years you have been into freelancing business, if you are best in sending job proposals you can be more successful than the people who are in this business for a long time. I have compiled a list of common mistakes that can make you a successful freelancer in a very short span of time.

Follow these tips for the best freelance writing proposal that gets noticed.

1. Stop making proposals in which you are talking as an employee: You are an entrepreneur and a boss

A mistake that most freelancers do while make proposal for a job is looking like they are an employee of their client. No, you are not an employee or a worker; you are a freelancer, an independent entrepreneur. You are a professional of your field. Here you don’t have a boss who would tell you to do numbers of definite tasks. Here you are your own boss and you are solely responsible to market your services, updating your skills, negotiating and monitoring payments. Think like a successful entrepreneur who can do whatever is needed to deliver quality work. Clients provide the rationale, background, and parameters for projects and they want someone best to work for them to achieve their desired goals. Keep in mind that you are the best and then write a proposal.

2. Be confident and believe in your skills

While making a proposal you have to be confident and believe in your skills. Don’t look under confident. Just present yourself in a proposal like you are the master of your work and you know everything even if you are still learning many new things. Give clients the best examples of your previous work and your achievements. Make clients believe that you can do much better job than he has asked you to do. Be promising and provide them quality of work not quantity of work. If you have the skills and you are ready to present yourself as a professional, only then you can attract clients and have big budget projects otherwise you will be wasting your time as a freelancer.

3. Avoid making job proposals too long

Do not make your job proposal too long and boring to read for you clients. Make it to the point and straight but don’t end up your proposal just talking about your interest to work with them. In the proposal, you need to quickly present your service proposal and keep the excitement going. Try to make your client excited about the idea of working with you.  Add some points in the proposals that can capture client’s attention and interest. According to a survey short and “to the point” proposals are likely to be accepted by the clients than the long ones. Apply a 2 minutes rule. Write a proposal that a client can scan for the highlights in 2 minutes or less. Wrap up your proposal in less than 5 pages.  Don’t forget to provide your client your WP Online Contract plugin link so that he knows that you are a professional and take your work very seriously. This WordPress Online Contract Plugin will enable you to sign contracts with your potential clients on the web.

4. Do not forget to highlight the client’s ROI

If you are not telling your client about the benefits that he would get working with you then he would be not interested to read your whole proposal. Highlight the benefits of working with you. Your potential client cannot automatically understand the benefits of working with you. It’s totally up to you to convince them that you are the best choice. Include a section in the proposal that clearly highlights your client’s return on investment.  Try to convince that the cost of purchasing your services will be greatly exceeded by the benefits of implementing them.

5. Pick smart words while making a job proposal

While emphasizing the value of the services try to focus your conversation. Understand the word Psychology. Use value language and words to write a job proposal. Picking the right words can make your proposal better than others. While talking about project’s cost in the proposal use investment word instead of using price/cost/. A conversation with right picked words can benefit you in long term. It would be possible that the client will come back to you with few more projects and work.

Picture of Syaf


Syaf is the Founder at Brand Chapter Agency, a branding and web design agency with clients across all industries.

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