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How Small Business Can Compete with Big Companies?

If you are just starting your new business, one of your major concerns right now could be how to professionally present yourself in the field you want to excel and compete effectively among larger business offering the same product or service like yours.

In today’s fast paced environment, every objective can be attained now with the help of the latest technology and of course the much needed revolving fund to keep your business abreast with the current trend and what your competitors are willing to offer to all your target clients.

Here are some techniques that any small or start-up business could try in order to have a competitive edge and perform closely with their rivals—the bigger companies:

1. Invest more in your advertising campaign

If you have adequate capital resources to spend, then invest in a reliable and certified marketing agency that can help you come up with a more realizable marketing plan. The best way to fully utilize your budget is scout for a good deal on all the marketing firms offering their services that promise to have your sales pitch soar high or get the needed traffic back to your site.

2. Avail the latest technology or equipment if needed

Even you are just new in the market, you can also provide what the bigger firms are offering the public. For example, if your business is concentrated into shirt printing, then, investing is a high-tech shirt design maker or equipment will give you more chances to compete with your rivals and provide also the same service that they are giving. The good thing about a start-up business is that you can still lower your prevailing rates, unlike with bigger companies they need to charge higher or maintain their existing rates in order to sustain all their expenditures.

3. Add a personal touch

Whether it is a small rented space for your showroom of your products or an online website featuring your newest product lines being sold, don’t forget to add a personal touch to your start-up business. Making your place well-presented, inviting to your walk-in clients and personally greeting them would make a big difference already as compared to bigger stalls which sometimes look snobbish when no one would even greet the clients, making them feel awkward or put-off to even enter their premises or stalls. Same applies with your websites, be sure you have an online customer service team who will be ready to attend to all your clients concerns and needs.

4. Improve your product or service from time to time

Being a newbie in this business, one aspect that you should never overlook is the continuous improvement of your product or service in order to cope up with the growing demands of your clients and the high rate of competency among your competitors. Strive to be the best in whatever industry you want to focus.

Running your own business really requires hard work, creativity and a lot of discipline. If you think all your best efforts are not enough for your motives to excel, then, the next best thing to do is follow the route of what big companies are doing to succeed. If they are using promotional gimmicks, then, it’s about time you do the same tactic in your own little way to get your consumers full attention. Never give up. Live within your dreams for self-fulfillment.

Picture of Syaf


Syaf is the Founder at Brand Chapter Agency, a branding and web design agency with clients across all industries.

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