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The Return of Interactive Animated Effects

Remember those days when EVERYONE wanted to have a fancy flash intro on the website. Yes, those flashy loading countdown timer which makes us think a cool thing to have thinking that our website visitors have all the time waiting for the whole page to load.

However, time has changed. Web developers no longer highlight the Flash feature to the clients because, and let’s face it – it’s counter productive, loading time is slow and it took longer time to develop, which mean higher cost to the clients.

However, BEHOLD – HTML5!

HTML5 has been a total revolution, and after a few years that the web had lost the animation, transitions, flying text and images to full-screen size, these interactive elements are making a come back in fashion.

Lightweight and fast, HTML5 is a good alternative in displaying the eye catching elements on the web and if it is not abused, it will definitely engaged the visitors.

Picture of Syaf


Syaf is the Founder at Brand Chapter Agency, a branding and web design agency with clients across all industries.

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