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Common SEO Mistakes And How To Fix Them – Keyword Stuffing

The excessive use of keywords within a webpage is known as Keyword Stuffing. In the race of getting high rank in many internets’ search engines’ result, many sites land up doing unethical keyword stuffing which actually is a prohibited SEO technique.

Doing this can even ban your site from the indexes of search engines. So, whether it is done intentionally or un-intentionally, it can really affect the search engine optimization.

Why it seems to be a big time SEO Blunder?

Let us understand it by quoting an example- Assume that you have built a website, selected the keywords to use them for the purpose of SEO and using them you wrote a content which you feel is exceptionally good at engaging the target audience.

Now, keyword stuffing comes into play when you use tags, linking structures, keywords or any other optimization means on your website which has no significance to the content of the site. This can happen when the writer becomes a little more excited while writing the content and stuff it with too many keywords or when he works in a little clumsy manner and use irrelevant keywords in the content.

How harmful it is and how can it be prevented?

It results in Content duplication

In this, keyword density comes into action. The amount of time the keyword appears on the webpage is called keyword density. It is denoted in percentage of the entire word count of the concerned page. If the keyword appears 4 times in the page of 100 words content, its density is 4%. As advised by the experts the keyword density should be kept between 1-3% for best SEO results.

Though the use of the keywords can be done in various ways, repeating it over and over again will bring redundancy to the content. Manipulated and irrelevant search results are the outcome of keyword stuffing, which eventually turns the readers off.

To avoid facing such situation, one should tactically use keywords in the posts, and place them carefully. Replace the keywords with their synonyms at some places. Do keep in mind that the readers are not searching for what is on the top of the search engine but are looking for the outcomes that are relevant to their query.

Link Spam is created by Keyword Stuffing

Who doesn’t want an easy accessibility of their site to everyone? Well, search engines give instant boost to the sites which make their way on the first page.  Conversely, the site may pop all over the place if found guilty of the keyword stuffing offence and will be identified as a spam site. It can also results in a permanent omission of the website from its results.

One can use other venues of promotion in such cases. If driving traffic to your site genuinely concerns you, you have so many other options like participating in professional forums, bookmarking your content on social bookmarking sites or by sharing links to your posts, to do that. Avoid keyword stuffing at first place.

Picture of Syaf


Syaf is the Founder at Brand Chapter Agency, a branding and web design agency with clients across all industries.

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