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User Experience: Make it Easy to your Customers

People loves a good user experience when they are looking for an information on the Internet. There are many things you need to consider when it comes to building a good user experience for your website, especially accessibility and the quality of your website such as providing clarity about your services and products.

In addition, you also have to consider a proper web layout for your desktop and mobile users. Here are some tips to help you with creating better user experience for your users.


Your customers should feel secure when they are using your website, especially if they need to enter some of their personal information on your contact or enquiry form. If you are running an onlinse store, again, make sure the customers feel safe giving out their credit card information when they are making the purchase. Nobody like a fishy website. Getting a secured certificate from your hosting provider is an advantage to your business.

Contact Information

People like to do business with a real business. Your professional looking website should also have your business contact information – address, telephone number and e-mail so it will be easy for your prospects to contact you. If you are providing consultation services in Malaysia, you need to include your Malaysia address or telephone numbers. If your website doesn’t have enough contact information, there are higher chances your potential customers will go for your competitors.


The content on your website need to be clear and readable. Use a proper font, based on your target audience. Avoid fancy fonts (cursive or tech fonts) that probably make a beautiful logo, but it’s very impractical for article content. When in doubt, always refer to the big boys websites – such as CNN and other news portals and see what type and size their fonts are.

Be Responsive

5 years ago, we were only focus on the website layout for desktop computers. Today, the game has changed. You have to consider that your website still looks good in tablets and mobile phones. You can learn what type of devices your website visitors use to visit your website from your Google Analytics account and optimize your layout to accomodate your visitor’s screen. For heaven sake, you probably need to work on the layout for the wearable devices already – but lets just focus on the desktop and mobile for now.

Go Social

Facebook is the most popular social platform in Malaysia. Chances are, your potential customers also have a Facebook account. And maybe Twitter and Google+ and some other platform as well. Utilize these social platforms to reach out to your customers. Make it easy for them to get learn more about your business and to contact you. Make the most of your website and get connected with your customers.

Picture of Syaf


Syaf is the Founder at Brand Chapter Agency, a branding and web design agency with clients across all industries.

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